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The periods stipulated below have been extended until 30.09.2023 upon the entry into force of the Regulation Amending the Regulation on Payment Services and Electronic Money Issuance and Payment Service Providers (“Regulation”) published in…


Pursuant to the Communique on Redetermination of Minimum Equity Amounts of Payment and Electronic Money Institutions (“Communique”) published on the Official Gazette dated 28.01.2023 and numbered 32087, minimum equity amounts stipulated for…


The Law amending Certain Laws to Improve the Investment Environment was published in the Official Gazette on March 10, 2018 with different enforcement dates for the various amendments. Although the law introduced amendments to the Tax Proce…


Introduction Under the Commercial Code 6102, shareholders must contribute capital to commercial companies incorporated by law (the so-called 'contribution obligation'). A contribution obligation mainly arises at the time of the incorporatio…


The Law amending Certain Laws to Improve the Investment Environment 7099 (the Amendment Law) was published in the Official Gazette on 10 March 2018. In order to boost Turkey's investment environment, the Amendment Law has introduced notable…


In an effort to improve collateralisation options and facilitate the access of small and medium-sized businesses to financing, Parliament recently adopted a new law introducing significant changes to pledges over movable assets. The Law on…


Following the entry into force of the Law Introducing Several Amendments in Different Laws to Improve the Investment Environment in August 2016, the Communique Regarding the Signing of the Articles of Association Before the Trade Registries…


Parliament recently enacted International Workforce Law 6735, which governs the employment of foreign individuals in Turkey. The law aims to:  set the rules and principles regarding work permit applications and exemptions for foreign indiv…


Introduction Following the long-awaited enactment of Data Protection Law on April 7, 2016 ("Law"), now, the Ministry of Health enacted the Regulation on Protection of Personal Heath Data ("Regulation") on October 20, 2016. By requiring heal…


Amendment Law Despite its strong economy and encouraging environment for investment, Turkey has been struggling to consolidate itself as an investment destination due to a series of terrorist attacks over the past year and the coup attempt…


Mandatory use of Turkish Law 805 on the Mandatory Use of the Turkish Language by Commercial Enterprises entered into force in April 1926 and still applies today. Under the law, all transactions, correspondence and agreements executed in Tur…


With an effort to improve the welfare of the employees in Turkey, the Turkish Parliament approved the Law amending the Law on Individual Pension Savings and Investment System on August 10, 2016 and it is published on the Official Gazette on…