Protection of Your Personal Data: Consent Text Regarding the Processing of Prospective Employee Personal Data

Dear Prospective Employee,

Acar Ergönen Attorney Partnership (hereinafter referred to as "Acar Ergönen"), acting as the data controller pursuant to the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698 (“PDPL”), wishes to inform you about our intent to process your personal data in accordance with the principles and details articulated in our disclosure statement titled "Protection of Your Personal Data: Information Text Regarding the Processing of Prospective Employee Personal Data".

Within the confines and obligations stipulated by this disclosure:

For the purposes of verifying your past institutional experiences and references, we may process data pertaining to your identity (name, surname), personal records (strengths, weaknesses, reasons for departure from previous employments, etc.), and professional experience (language proficiency, references, etc.). This will be done in the course of our prospective employee selection and placement procedures. Furthermore, with your express consent, Acar Ergönen may share this data with business partners and suppliers (e.g., human resources consultants, technological solution partners) for the same purposes and store them on servers located within or outside of Turkey or other electronic environments, provided that necessary security measures are observed.

Please indicate your consent or lack thereof by either marking (to express your agreement) or refraining from marking (to express your disagreement) the checkbox located at the bottom of the application form on our website's “Career” page.

With utmost respect,

Acar Ergönen Attorney Partnership