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1. Overview of the Subject Decision:• Court: Cassation Court 10th Civil Chamber• Case No: E.2020/10865, K.2021/2234• Date: 25.2.2021• Lower Court: Labor Court 2. Facts The heart of this case is grounded in the theft at a pharmacy. One defen…


1- Introduction Under Article 18 of the Turkish Commercial Code No. 6102 ("TCC"), a merchant is required to choose a trade name that complies with the law and, pursuant to Article 39, must conduct transactions relating to their commercial e…


In light of the expanding global economy, the Convention on the Settlement of Investment Disputes Between States and Nationals of Other States (“the Convention”) was established to provide legal protection for investors who make investments…


I. Introduction In recent times, one of the most significant sectors that has started offering services through online platforms is tourism. With homeowners beginning to rent their properties to individuals and legal entities for tourism pu…


I. Introduction In practice, determining the legal liability of tenants, previous and current condominium owners (hereinafter “owners”) for various charges included in condominium dues by managements of gated communities and apartment build…


Die gesetzliche Grundlage für vertragliche Ansprüche findet sich in Art. 112 OGB ff. Art. 112 OGB, die mit der schweizerischen Regelung (Art. 97 Abs. 1 OR ) wörtlich identisch ist, lautet wie folgt: “Kann die Erfüllung der Verbindlichkeit ü…


Die gesetzliche Grundlage, die für Ansprüche aus unerlaubter Handlung findet sich in Art. 49 ff. türk. OGB. Art. 49 türk. OGB, die sich weitgehend an die schweizerische Regelung lehnt, lautet wie folgt: “Wer einem andern mit Verschulden und…


Als eine allgemeine Regel des türkischen Zivilprozessrechts, wie im deutschen und schweizerischen Recht, muss das Rechtsbegehren die verlangte Leistung eindeutig und klar bezeichnen (Art. 119 Abs. 1 lit. ğ TürZPO ). Diese gesetzliche Notwen…


Introduction To this day, the issue of nationality of arbitral awards has not been explicitly regulated by a positive legal norm under any national arbitration legislation or international treaty. Due to being a product of the efforts to re…


Introduction Under the Commercial Code 6102, shareholders must contribute capital to commercial companies incorporated by law (the so-called 'contribution obligation'). A contribution obligation mainly arises at the time of the incorporatio…